Prof. Ondr̂ej Lhoták
There are infinitely many integers, but only 232 can be represented on a 32-bit system, so arithmetic is done on the finite ring of equivalence classes mod 232.
The computer we're using happens to have state equivalent to {0, 1}226 + 32 * 34
+------------------------------------------------+ Memory
| | 32
| Registers | 0 +-----------+
| +-----------------+ 32 | 4 | |
| | Control Unit | +---------------+ | 8 | |
| | | 1| 0 1 0 ... | | 12| |
| +-----------------+ 2| 1 | | -> | |
| | ALU | .| 0 | | | |
| | | .| |34 | | |
| | | 31| | | . | |
| | | LO| | | . | |
| | | HI| | | . | |
| +-----------------+ PC+---------------+ | | |
| | +-----------+
+------------------------------------------------+ 2^24-4
PC = program counter (the register we're on)
The CPU implements a function step
step: state -> state
s_(i+1) = step(s_i)
Def: step*(s) = if (step(s) defined) step*(step(s)) else s
| encode
v step*
s_0 -----------> s_n
For all i, f(i) = decode(step*(encode(i)))
(program, input) (program, data)
| ^
| encode (compiler) | decode
| |
v step* |
s_0 -------------------> s_n
A stored program computer (von Neumann machine) includes the program as part of its input
should be generalsem*(program, input) = decode( step*( encode(program, input) ) )
sem ((lambda (x) e) v)
[x |-> v] e
gets sustituted with v
in e
Semantics: meaning of a program
def step(state) = {
// fetch
instruction = state.memory[state.register[PC]]
// increment PC
state2 = state.setRegister(PC, state.register(PC)+4)
// decode, execute
instruction.match {
// ...
An abstraction of memory addresses
e.g.: absolute value
SLT 2, 1, 0
BEQ 2, 0, 1
SUB 1, 0, 1
JR 31
Same example, using labels:
SLT 2, 1, 0
BEQ 2, 0, label
SUB 1, 0, 1
Define label
JR 31
e.g. a procedure
... ; main
... ; program
USE label
DEFINE label
... ; procedure
JR 31
To compile out labels, we need two passes:
An object file is a file that contains:
Relocation is the process of adjusting machine language code using object file metatada so that it can be loaded at a different address by:
Linking is the process of combining multiple object files into a machine code program
Typical C build process:
C source Assembly Object
files files files
a.c -----------> a.s -----------> a.o ---+
Compiler (cc) Assembler (as) |
b.c -----------> b.s -----------> b.o ---+--> linker (ld) ------> executable machine language program
c.c -----------> c.s -----------> c.o ---+
A variable is an abstraction of a storage location (register, fixed or dynamically determined address in memory) that can hold a value
Read from address ALPHA to $1:
WORD ALPHA ; Saves address ALPHA into register 2
LW 1, 0, 2 ; Loads value from memory address ALPHA into register 1
def fact(x: Int): Int = if (x < 2) 1 else x*fact(x-1)
// fact(3) = 3 * fact(2) = 3 * 2 * fact(1) = 3*2*1 = 6
// Three instances of x occur in this execution
fact(2) | |
+-------+ +-------+
fact(3)| |
-------+ +--------
time -->
The extent of a variable instance is the time interval in which it can be accessed
The extent of local variables begin and end in a last in, first out order. A stack allows us to create and destroy storage locations this way.
After entering a procedure with variables a, b, c
| |
| 42 |
SP = 100 | a | \
+-----------+ |
104 | b | | stack frame (all local
+-----------+ | vars from procedure)
108 | c | /
112 | stack |
e.g. read variable c at offset 8 from SP
LW 1, 8, 30 ; 8, 30 = offset, register
In this course, all data in memory will be in chunks
e.g. a*b + c*d
t1 = a*b
t2 = c*d
t3 = t1+t2
def evaluate(e1, op, e2): Code = {
push $3
pop $4
$3 = $4 op $3
def evaluateVar(v: Variable): Code = read v (into $3)
t1 = a*b
t2 = c*d // generate code to eval e1 op e2, put result in some variable
t3 = t1+t2 // return code, variable
def evaluate(e1, op, e2): (Code, Variable) = {
(code1, var1) = evaluate(e1)
(code2, var2) = evaluate(e2)
v3 = new Variable
code = block(code1, code2, var3 = var1 op var2)
return (code, var3)
Register allocation is the process of assigning variables to real registers or memory addresses (abstract)
+------------------+ +----------------+
| Code | | IR with real |
|Intermediate |---------------->| registers |
|Representation | register | addresses/ |
|with virtual regs | allocation | offsets |
+------------------+ +----------------+
t1 = a*b // $4 = a, $3 = b, $3 = $4 * $3, t1 = $3
t2 = c*d
t3 = t1+t2
// generated code leaves result in $3
def evaluate(e1 op e2):Code = {
val t1 = new Variable
write(t1, 3),
read(4, t1),
$3 = $4 op $3
e.g. a+b+c+d+e
t1 = a * b
t1 = a * b
t3, t5
g = t3 + t5
reg2: t2, t4, t5
r1 = a * b
g = r1 + r2
If statements
if (e1, op, e2, then, else) => {
withTempVar{t1 =>
t1 = $3
$4 = t1
evaluate op
A Procedure is an abstraction that encapsulates a reusable sequence of code
Caller | Procedure (callee) |
Define(proc) | |
Reg.savedParamPtr = Reg.allocated | |
stack.allocate(frame) | |
evaluate args in temp vars | |
Stack.allocate(parameters) |
copy arguments from temp vars into parameter chunk | |
dynamicLink = Reg.fp (29) | |
savedPC = Reg.savedPC (31) | |
Reg.fp = Reg.allocated (6) | |
paramPtr = Reg.savedParamPtr (get it out of a register) | |
LIS(Reg.targetPC) |
body |
Use(proc) |
JALR(Reg.targetPC) |
Reg.savedPC = savedPC |
Reg.fp = dynamicLink | |
stack.pop //frame | |
stack.pop //parameters | |
JR(31) |
A prologue/epilogue are the instructions at the beginning or end of a procedure
As a loop:
def m() = {
var i = 0
var j = 0
while (i < 10) {
i = i + 1
j = j + i
i + j
As a procedure:
def m() = {
var i = 0
var j = 0
def loop() = {
if (i < 10) {
i = i + 1
j = j + i
i + j
def f() = {
val x = 2
val w = 5
def g() = {
val y = 3
val w = 7
x + y + h()
def h() = {
val z = 4
z + w
h | | Params
| pp | --> +-------+
| dl | | |
+--------+ | sl | ------+
| +-------+ |
v |
+--------+ |
g | | |
| pp | --> +-------+ |
| dl | | | |
+--------+ | sl | ------+
| +-------+ |
v |
+--------+ <-------------------+
f | |
| pp | --> +-------+
| dl | | |
+--------+ | sl |
to Procedure
depth(sl target) = depth(call target) - 1
let n = depth(current procedure) - depth(sl target)
n == depth(current procedure) - depth(sl target)
n == depth(current procedure) - depth(call target) + 1
n == 0
, pass fp as sl.let n = depth(current procedure) - depth(proc declaring var)
Follow static link n times, then look for variable
Review: Oct 28 in the tutorial
def procedure(x: Int) = { x + 1 }
var increase: (Int)=>Int = procedure
increase = { x => x+2 }
def twice(fun: (Int)=>Int): (Int)=>Int = {
x => fun(fun(x))
increase = twice(increase)
def increaseBy2(increment: Int): (Int)=>Int {
def procedure(x: Int) = {x + increment}
A free variable in some expression is a variable that is not bound (defined) in that expression.
is free in x + increment
is not free in {x => x + increment}
is free in {x => x + increment}
is no longer free in def increaseBy(increment: Int): (Int)=>Int = {x => x + increment}
An expression is closed if it contains no free variables.
The closure closes over its environment
def constructor(a: Int): (Int)=>Int = {
var b = a*2
def procedure(c: Int): Int = {
procedure //closure creation: will be represented by a `Closure` for us
var functionValue: (Int)=>Int = constructor(42)
is a regular call (Call
in our compiler), specifies a Procedure
is a closure call (CallClosure
in our compiler)The extent of a
and b
After closure creation, store:
To call a closure, pass environment as the static link.
Compute the environment/static link in the same way as if we were calling the procedure at the closure creation site
is nested in p'
and we ever create a closure from p
, then the frame of p'
must be on the heap (and all of the outer procedures of p'
)class Counter {
private var value = 0
def get() = value
def incrementBy(amount: Int) = {
value = value + amount
val c = new Counter
def newCounter: (()=>Int, (Int)=>Unit) = {
var value = 0
def get() = value
def incrementBy(amount: Int) = {
value = value + amount
(get, incrementBy)
val c2 = newCounter
This will overflow the stack if there's a large number of recursion and we don't make it a tail call:
def m() = {
var i = 0
var j = 0
def loop() = {
if (i < 10000000) {
i = i + 1
j = j + i
i + j
A call is a tail call if it is the last action before the epilogure
sdef f() = {
var v = ???
def g() = {
// do something with v
// epilogue?
Before | After tail call transformation | Notes |
evaluate arguments | ||
(call loop) | allocate parameters (1) (of callee/target) | |
evaluate arguments | write arguments into parameters | |
allocate parameters | ||
write arguments into parameters | ||
LIS(8) |
Use(label) |
JALR(8) |
(epilogue) | (epilogue) | |
Reg.savedPC = savedPC |
Reg.savedPC = savedPC |
Reg.fp = dynamicLink |
Reg.fp = dynamicLink |
pop (frame) | ||
pop (parameters) | ||
JR(31) |
pop (new parameters (1)) | ||
pop (frame) | ||
pop (parameters of caller) | ||
allocate parameters (2) (of callee/target) | ||
copy parameters (1) to (2) | This is ok because nothing should have written to this memory space yet | |
Also, make sure you copy from the bottom up to make sure you don't overwrite anything | ||
LIS(8) |
Use(label) |
JR(31) |
What if the caller and/or callee frame is on the heap instead of the stack?
(CS 360, 365, 462)
alphabet(Σ): finite set of symbols
e.g. {a, b, c, ..., z}, {0, 1, ..., 9}, {0, 1}, {def, var, val, ..., =, (, ), ...}
word (over Σ): finite sequence of symbols
e.g. hello, 42, 1010101, def proc(), ε (sequence of length 0 - empty word)
language: set of words (possibly infinite)
A language class is a collection of languages
start ┌──┐ a ╔═══╗ │b ┌──────┐
──>│ ├─────>║ ╟─┘ │ │
│ │ ║ ╟─────>│error │
└──┘ ╚═══╝ └──────┘
final state
If the word requires a transition that doesn't exist, it is not in the language
Σ = {a, b} where all words with an even number of a
s are in the language
┌─────┐ ┌───────────┐
b│ │ v a │
│ ┌─┴────┐ ╔═╧════╗
───┴──>│ odd │ ║ even ║<──┐
└────┬─┘ ╚════╤═╝ │
│ a ^ │ │b
└───────────┘ └─────┘
A DFA is a 5-tuple (Σ, Q, q0, A, δ) where:
Symbol | Meaning | Example |
Σ | input alphabet | Σ = { a, b } |
Q | a finite set of states | Q = { odd, even } |
q0 ∈ Q | start state | q0 = even |
δ : Q x × → Q | transition function (partial, not defined for all of domain) | δ(even, a) = odd |
δ(even, b) = even | ||
δ(odd, a) = even | ||
δ(odd, b) = odd |
δ*(q, first::rest) = δ*(δ(q, first), rest)
┌───┐ 0 ╔══╗
┌─┴┐ └──>║ ║
──>│ │ ╚══╝
└─┬┘ v──┐
└───┐ ╔══╗ │0-9
1-9└──>║ ╟─┘
v │0-9,A-F
┌──┐ 0 ┌──┐ x ╔══╗ │
──>│ ├──>│ ├──>║ ╟─┘
└──┘ └──┘ ╚══╝
┌───┐ 0 ╔══╗
┌─┴┐ └──>║ ║
──>│ │ ╚══╝
└┬┬┘ v──┐
┌┘└───┐ ╔══╗ │0-9
│ 1-9└──>║ ╟─┘
│ ╚══╝
0│ ┌──┐
└─────v v │0-9,A-F
┌──┐ x ╔══╗ │
│ ├──>║ ╟─┘
└──┘ ╚══╝
Non-determinism is when the algorithm has a choice of multiple paths
How does one choose the right path?
An NFA is a 5-tuple (Σ, Q, q0, A, δ), same as a DFA, except:
A word is accepted by the NFA if δ*(q0, w) ∩ A ≠ {}
Whenever we are in state A, we may (but don't have to) move to state B. (E = ε in the diagram)
┌───┐ E ┌───┐
│ A ├──>│ B │
└───┘ └───┘
┌─┤ v
└─┴───>┌───┐ ╔═══╗
│ A │ ║ B ║
┌─┬───>└───┘ ╚═══╝
└─┤ ^
Regular Expression | Meaning |
ε | L(ε) = {ε} |
R1 \ | R2 where R1, R2 are REs |
R1R2 where R1, R2 are REs | L(R1R2) = {xy \ |
R* where R is a RE | L(R*) = {x1, x2, ..., xn \ |
Example | Meaning |
(a*)\ | (b*) |
a*b* | some number of a s followed by some number of b s |
(a\ | b)* |
a(a*) | 1 or more a s |
(aa)* | even number of a s |
(a\ | b)*aa(a\ |
(b\ | ab)*(a\ |
For a language L, the following statements are equivalent:
Scanning output is not always unique
A common hack: Bite off the largest piece of w possible at each step
In A7:
def scanOne(input: List[Char], state: State, backtrack: (List[Char], State)): (List[Char], State) = ???
// Arguments:
// input: rest of input to scan
// state: current state of DFA
// Return value: (rest of input after token, accepting state reached on token)
e.g. A DFA for arithmetic, such as a + b * c - d
(this only parses singly nested brackets)
┌──┴┐ ┌───┐
─>│ │ │ │
└┬──┘ └┬──┘
│ ^─────────┘ ^
(│ v,-,*,/ │)
v ┌─────────v │
┌──┴┐ a-z ┌──┴┐
│ │ │ │
└───┘ └┬──┘
Regular expressions can't express unlimited recursive structures. We want nesting in programming languages, so we need something more powerful than regular languages.
Regular Expressions use iteration, Context-free Grammars use recursion
Parsing of (a+b)*c
│ │ │
expr op expr
│ │ │
┌───────┼─────────────────┐ * ID
│ │ │ │
( expr ) c
│ │ │
expr op expr
│ │ │
│ │
a b
A context-free grammar (CFG) is a 4-tuple (V, Ε P, S) where:
αAβ directly derives αγβ if A → γ ∈ P
α derives αn (0 or more ⇒ steps) if α1 ⇒ ... ⇒ αn
The language generate/specified by G=(V, Σ, P, S) is L(G) = { w ∈ Σ* \| S ⇒* w }
e.g. 1+2*3 = 7 or 9?
│ │ │
│ │ │
e op e
│ │ │
│ │ ┌───┴──┬─────┐
ID + │ │ │
expr op e
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
e op e
│ │ │
┌────┼─────┐ │ │
│ │ │ * ID
e op e
│ │ │
│ │ │
A CFG is ambiguous if it allows multiple parse trees for the same input string
We can design a grammar for desired precedence and associativity
e.g. unambiguous for the examples used:
factor → ID
left-associativity: (3-2)-1 = 0 or 2?
│ │ │
e + t
│ │
│ ┌─────┬┴───┐
t │ │ │
│ t * f
│ │ │
f │ │
│ f ID
│ │
ID │
parse(alpha, w) = { // returns a sequence of parse trees if alpha =>* w for symbols in alpha
if (alpha.isEmpty) {
if (w.isEmpty) Some(Seq()) else None
} else if (alpha == a,beta) { // starts with terminal
if (w == a,z && parse(beta, z)) Some(a +: parse(beta, z).get) // Create a new tree node here
else None
} else if (alpha == A) {
(A -> gamma in P).forEach {
if (parse(gamma, w)) return Some(Seq(tree A where children are parse(gamma, w).get)) // Create new tree node here
} else { // alpha = A, beta
split(w == u,v).forEach { // for each ways of splitting w into u and v
if (parse(A, u) && parse(beta, v)) return Some(parse(A, u).get ++ parse(beta, v).get)
p(expr, ID + ID)
├─ p(ID, ID + ID)
│ p(epsilon, + ID) X
└─p(expr op expr, ID + ID) // u = epsilon (*<=expr), u = ID + ID (*<=op expr)
├─ p(expr, epsilon) <────────────────────────────────────┐
│ │ │
│ ├─p(ID, epsilon) X │
│ │ │
│ └─p(expr op expr, epsilon) // u = epsilon, u = epsilon │
│ p(expr, epsilon) X (memo) ───────────────────────────┘
│ ...infinite loop
└┬─p(expr, ID)
│ p(ID, ID) √
└─p(op expr, ID)
Remember (memoize) values at (α, w) → Boolean (for validity testing) or Option[Seq[Tree]] (for parse tree)
Using the table (memoization):
returns, record result in tableParser comparison:
Category | CYK | Earley | LR(k) LR(1) | LL(k) LL(1) |
time | O(n3) | O(n3) for ambiguous, O(n2) for unambiguous, O(n) for almost all LR(1) grammars | O(n) | O(n) |
grammars | all | all | most unambiguous grammars, test if it's LR(1) to see if it's unambiguous (approximate test) | very few practical grammars, no left-associativity |
difficulty | 1 lecture | 1.5 weeks | 3 weeks | 1.5 weeks |
Let w = xaz ∉ L be an incorrect input.
To augment a grammar G with start symbol S means:
Algorithm (rough idea)
let beta = input string
while (beta != S) {
find alpha element of F(beta)
output s"$alpha => &beta"
beta = alpha
What needs to be added:
For Lacs:
Uses of types
1 + "foo"
)1 + 2
vs "1" + "2"
)Lacs types
A type system is a set of rules that compute the type of an expression from the types of its subexpressions.
__________ means if premises then conclusion
|¬ |- e : tau means in scope |¬, e has type tau
hastype(|¬, e, tao) means the same
NUM: Int
|¬(ID) = tau
|¬ |- ID : tau
Let E in {expras, expra, expr, term, factor}
|¬ |- E1 : Int
|¬ |- E2 : Int
|¬ |- E1 + E2 : Int
|¬(ID) = tau
|¬ |- E : tau
|¬ |- ID = E : tau
|¬ |- E1 : tau1
|¬ |- E2 : tau2
|¬ |- E1 ; E2 : tau2
|¬ |- E1 : Int
|¬ |- E2 : Int
|¬ |- E3 : tau
|¬ |- E4 : tau
|¬ |- if (E1 == E2) E3 else E4 : tau
|¬ |- E' : (tau-) => tau'
forall i . |¬ |- Ei : Ti
|¬ |- E' (E-)
forall i . |¬, vardef-, vardef'-, defdef- |- defdef i wf
|¬, vardef-, vardef'-, defdef- |- E : tau
def ID(vardef-): tau = {vardef- defdef- E} wf
forall i . defdef- |- defdef i wf
empty env |- defdef- wf
+----------+ +-------------+ ++
| | A7 (scanner) | | A8 (parser) ++++
| program +--------------->| tokens +---------------> ++ ++ A9 (parse tree)
| | | | ++ ++
+----------+ +-------------+ -+--+---+-
context-sensitive <-------+
information A10
scopes and types --------+
| |
| intermediate |
| representation |
| (code) |
| |
+-----------------------+ | A1-6
| | |
| machine language |<------------+
| |
A heap is a data structure to manage memory that can be allocated/freed at any time
Which blocks are used/free?
| | size |
|^ free/used |
| bit |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| size |
| next +--+
+---------------+ |
| | |
| | |
| free | |
| | |
+---------------+ |
+---------------+ |
| size | |
+---------------+ |
| next | |
+---------------+ |
| | |
| | |
| used | |
| | |
+---------------+ |
+---------------+ |
| size | <+
| next +-------|
| |
| |
| free |
| |
100 | 8 |
104 | freelist +--+
+-----------------+ |
108 | 36 | <+
112 | +--+
+-----------------+ |
| | |
| | |
| | |
140 | | |
+-----------------+ |
144 <----+
def size(block) = deref(block)
def next(block) = deref(block+4)
def setSize(block, size) = assignToAddr(block, size)
def setNext(block, next) = assignToAddr(block+4, next)
def init() = {
val block = heapStart + 8 // 100 + 8
setSize(heapStart, 8)
setNext(heapStart, block)
setSize(block, heapSize - 8) // 44 - 8
setNext(block, heapStart + heapSize)
def malloc(wanted) = {
def find(previous) = {
val current = next(previous)
if (size(current) < wanted + 4) {
} else {
if (size(current) > wanted + 12) {
//split block
val newBlock = current + wanted + 4
setSize(newBlock, size(current) - size(wanted + 4))
setNext(newBlock, next(current))
setSize(current, wanted + 4)
setNext(previous, newBlock)
} else {
setNext(previous, next(current))
setNext(previous, next(current))
def free(toFree) = {
def find(previous) = {
val current = next(previous)
if (current < toFree) {
} else {
if (toFree + size(toFree) == current && current < heapStart + heapSize) {
// merge with current
setSize(toFree, size(toFree)+size(current))
setNext(toFree, next(current))
} else {
setNext(toFree, current)
if (previous + size(previous) == toFree && previous != heapStart) {
// merge with previous block
setSize(previous, size(previous) + size(toFree))
setNext(previous, next(toFree))
} else {
setNext(previous, toFree)
A heap is fragmentedif the free space is split into small blocks.
We need to identify which words in memory are addresses, so we need sound types.
setNew chunk diagram:
| size |
| 3 (number of |
| pointers) |
| |
| pointer vars |
| |
| |
| other vars |
| |
After compaction, allocation is simple/constant time (increment a pointer).
Which blocks should we compact? A block is live or dead if it will or will not be accessed in the future.
| |
| code |
| |
heapStart | used |
| | heapPointer
| from-space |
| |
heamMiddle | to-space | semiSpaceTop
| |
heapTop | |
| stack |
| |
def init = {
heapPointer = heapStart
semiSpaceTop = heapMiddle
def allocate(wanted) = {
if (heapPointer + wanted > semispaceTop) {
val ret = heapPointer
heapPointer = heapPointer + wanted
def gc = {
// Swap segments of memory
val newBottom =
if (semiSpaceTop == heapMiddle) heapMiddle
else heapStart
var free = newBottom
var scan = dynamicLink // top of stack
while (scan < memSize) {
forwardPtrs(scan) // will also increment free
scan = scan + size(scan)
scan = newBottom
while (scan < free) {
scan = scan + size(scan)
semispaceTop = newBottom + semiSpaceSize
heapPointer = free
def forwardPtrs(block) = {
for each offset o in block that holds a pointer {
assignToAddr(block + o, copy(deref(block + o)))
def copy(block) = {
if (block is not in from-space) {
} else {
if (size(block) >= 0) { // not yet copied
copyChunk(free, block)
setNext(block, free) // forwarding address
setSize(block, -size(block))
free = free + size(free)
Time complexity
e → v \| λv.e \| e e
(λv.e1) e2 → e1[e2/v]
e1 --> e1'
e1e2 --> e1'e2
e2 --> e2'
e1e2 --> e1e2'
e --> e'
lambda v.e --> lambda v.e'
abstract class Expr
case class Var(name: String) extends Expr
case class Lambda(name: String, expr: Expr) extends Expr
case class Apply(function: Expr, argument: Expr) extends Expr
val ID = Lambda("x", Var("x")) // lambda x . x
val IDID = Apply(ID, ID) // (lambda x . x) (lambda x . x)
val step: PartialFunction[Expr, Expr] = {
case Apply(Lambda(variable, e1), e2) =>
subst(e1, variable, e2)
def subst(expr: Expr, name: String, replacement: Expr): Expr = expr match {
case Var(name2) =>
if (name == name2) replacement
else expr
case Apply(e1, e2) => Apply(
subst(e1, name, replacement),
subst(e2, name, replacement)
case Lambda(name2, expr2) =>