Dynamic Programming

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  1. Examine the structure of an optimal solution to a problem instance \(I\), and determine if an optimal solution for \(I\) can be expressed in terms of optimal solutions to certain subproblems of \(I\).
  2. Define a set of subproblems \(S(I)\) of the instance \(I\), the solution of which enables the optimal solution of \(I\) to be computed. \(I\) will be the last or largest instance in the set \(S(I)\).
  3. Derive a recurrence relation on the optimal solutions to the instances in \(S(I)\). This recurrence relation should be completely specified in terms of optimal solutions to (smaller) instances in \(S(I)\) and/or base cases.
  4. Compute the optimal solutions to all the instances in \(S(I)\). Compute these solutions using the recurrence relation in a bottom-up fashion, filling in a table of values containing these optimal solutions. Whenever a particular table entry is filled in using the recurrence relation, the optimal solutions of relevant subproblems can be looked up in the table (they have been computed already). The final table entry is the solution to \(I\).

0-1 Knapsack

Profits \(P\) and weights \(W\) and a capacity \(M\) exist. An \(n\)-tuple \(X\) exists where \(\sum_{i=1}^n w_i x_i \le M\). We require that \(x_i \in \{0, 1\}, 1 \le i \le n\).

Consider \(x_n\). Two cases exist:

Subproblems \(S(I)\): Let \(P(i, m)\) be the optimal solution to the subproblem consisting of:

In total, we get \(n(M+1)\) subproblems

Recurrence relation:
\[P(i, m) = \begin{cases} \max\left\{P(i-1, m), P(i-1, m-w_i)+p_i\right\}, &m \ge w_i, i \ge 2\\ P(i-1, m), &m \lt w_i, i \ge 2\\ \end{cases}\]

Base cases:
\[P(1, m) = \begin{cases} p_1, &m \ge w_1\\ 0, &m \lt w_1\\ \end{cases}\]


Assuming unit cost operations: \(\Theta(1)\) time additions and subtractions

But neither is polynomial complexity:
\[\begin{align*} I &= (p_1, ..., p_n, w_1, ..., w_n, M)\\ size(I) &= \sum_{i=1}^n \log_2 p_i + \sum_{i=1}^n \log_2 w_i + \log_2 M\\ size(I) &\ge n\\ \end{align*}\]

\(M\) is exponentially large compared to \(\log_2 M\). Therefore we cannot express the problem in polynomial time with an \(M\) in it when it is exponentially large compared to the problem instance.


The first step only fills in the table. If we want to know what is actually in the knapsack, we have to trace back through the table to see what items we added.

Coin changing

A list of coin denominations \(D\) exists, and a positive target sum \(T\). Find an \(n\)-tuple of non-negative integers sich that \(T=\sum_{i=1}{n} a_i d_i\) such that the number of coins \(n\) is minimized.

Let \(N(i, t)\) denote the optimal solution to the subproblem consisting of the first \(i\) coin denominations \(d_1, ..., d_i\) and target sum \(t\). Let \(A(i, t)\) denote the number of coins of denomination \(d_i\) used in the optimal solution to this subproblem.


For a given target sum \(T\), consider coins of denomination \(d_n\). Let \(a_n\) be the number of coins. Then \(0 \le a_n \le \left\lfloor\frac{T}{d_n}\right\rfloor\).

If we use \(a_n\) coins of denomination \(d_n\), then the optimal solution for \(I\) is \(a_n\) plus the optimal solution using the first \(n-1\) coin denominations, for the targt sum \(T-a_n d_n\).

We then have the subproblems \(N(i, t), i=1,...,n, 0 \le t \le T\). There will be \(n(T+1)\) subproblems.

We get the recurrence relation:
\[N(i, t) = \min\left\{j+N(i-1, t-jd_i), 0 \le j \le \left\lfloor\frac{t}{d_i}\right\rfloor\right\}\]

If \(i=1\), we get the base case \(N(1, t) = t\).

Traceback options:

  1. Recompute table values
  2. Store extra information while the table is constructed to avoid recomputation

The minimum number of coins required for \(I\) is \(N[n, T]\).

Traceback: The number of coins of denomination \(d_n\) in the optimal solution is \(A[n, T]\), so set \(a_n = A[n, t]\). Then, set \(t \leftarrow t-a_n d_n\). Then find the number of coins of denomination \(d_{n-1}\) in the optimal solution \(A[n-1, t]\). Repeat.

We observe that we are filling in an \(n \times (T+1)\) table, so the size of the table is \(\Theta(nT)\). But the problem instance is \(I = (d_1, ..., d_n, T)\). Since \(size(I) = \sum_{i=1}^n \log_2 d_i + \log_2 T\), \(T\) is an exponention function of \(log_2 T\). This implies that we do not have a polynomial time algorithm.

Longest Common Subsequence

There are two sequences \(X = (x_1, ..., x_m)\) and \(Y = (y_1, ..., y_n)\) over some infinite alphabet \(\Gamma\). Find a maximum length sequence \(Z\) that is a subsequence of both \(X\) and \(Y\).

\(Z= (z_1, ..., z_l)\) is a subsequence of \(X\) if there exists indices \(1 \le i_1 \lt ... \lt i_l \le m\) such that \(z_j = x_{i_j}, 1 \le j \le l\). Similarly, \(Z\) is a subsequence of \(Y\) if there exists indices \(1 \le h_1 \lt ... \lt h_l \le n\) such that \(z_j = y_{h_j}, 1 \le j \le l\).

e.g. \(X=\texttt{gdvegta}, Y=\texttt{gvcekst}\). \(LCS(X,Y)=\texttt{gvet}\).


Let \(X' = (x_1, ..., x_{m-1})\). Let \(Y' = (y_1, ..., y_{n-1})\)


  1. \(x_m = y_n\). Then, \(LCS(X, Y) = LCS(X', Y') . X_m\) where \(.\) is a string concatenation operator.
  2. \(x_m \ne y_n\). Then, there are three mutually exclusive possibilities:


Consider all possible prefixes of \(X\) and all possible prefixes of \(Y\).

Define \(x[i, j]\) to be the length of the LCS of \((x_1, ..., x_i)\) and \((y_1, ..., y_j)\), \(0 \le i \le m, 0 \le j \le n\).

\[C[i,j] = \begin{cases} 1 + c[i-1, j-1], &x_i = y_i \land i,j \ge 1\\ \max\{c[i-1, j], c[i, j-1]\}, &x_i \ne y_i \land i,j \ge 1\\ 0, &i=0 \lor j=0\\ \end{cases}\]

Each cell in the table references the cells to the left and above, so if we compute rows top down and columsn left to right, each subproblem will already have a solution.


To construct the tables, it takes \(\Theta(mn)\). The traceback procedure is \(O(m+n)\).

Minimum Length Triangulation

Given \(n\) points \(q_1, ..., q_n\) in the Euclidean plane that forms a convex \(n\)-gon \(P\). Find a triangulation of \(P\) such that the sum \(S_C\) of the lengths of the \(n-3\) chords is minimized. Alternatively, find the triangulation \(P\) such that the sum \(S_p\) of the perimeters of the \(n-2\) triangles is minimized (if you solve one of these, you have solved both, since if \(L\) is the perimeter of \(P\), \(S_p=L+2S_C\)). We will work with the second version.

Aside: Using Catalan Numbers, \(C_n = \frac{1}{n+1} \binom{2n}{n}\) is the number of triangulations of a convex polygon with \(n+2\) vertices.

The edge \(q_nq_1\) is in a triangle with a third vertex \(q_k\) whree \(k \in \{2, ..., n-1\}\).

For a given \(k\), we have:

  1. the triangle \(q_1q_kq_n\),
  2. the polygon with vertices \(q_1,...,q_k\),
  3. the polygon with vertices \(q_k, ..., q_n\).

The optimal solution will consist of the optimal solutions for subproblems 2 and 3, along with the triangle in 1.

For \(1 \le i \lt j \le n\), let \(S[i, j]\) be the optimal solution to the subproblem consisting of the polygon with vertices \(q_i, ..., q_j\). Let \(\Delta(q_i, q_k, q_j)\) be the perimeter of the triangle with vertices \(q_i, q_k, q_j\).

We have the recurrence relation:
\[S[i,j] = \min\{\Delta(q_i, q_k, q_j) + S[i,k] + S[k,j] : i \lt k \lt j\}\]

The base cases are given by \(S[i, i+1] = 0 \forall i\).

Compute all \(S[i,j]\) with \(j-i=c\) for \(c=2,3,...,n-1\).