Given a problem instance \(I\), you can write a feasible solution \(X\) as a tuple \([x_1, x_2, ..., x_n]\) for some \(n\) where \(x_i \in X \forall i\). A tuple where \(i \lt n\) is a partial solution if no constraints are violated.
For a partial solution \(X\), we can define a choice set:
\[choice(X) = \{y \in X: [x_1, ..., x_i, y]\ \text{ is a partial solution}\}\]
For any \(y \in X\), \(g(y)\) measures the cost or profit in a partial solution
Choose \(y \in choice(X)\) such that \(g(y)\) is as small or large as possible. Update \(x\) to add \(y\) as the \(i+1\)th tuple.
Start from an empty partial solution, and extend it until a feasible solution \(X\) is constructed. This may not be optimal.
Let a set \(A = \{A_1, ..., A_n\}\) be a set of intervals, where each \(A_i\) is of the form \([s_i, f_i)\), where \(s_i\) is a start time and \(f_i\) is a finish time.
Find a subset \(B \subseteq A\) of pairwise distinct intervals that maximizes \(|B|\).
Strategy 3 is optimal, if we pre-sort the intervals. The \(\Theta(n\log n)\) sort dominates the \(\Theta(n)\) iteration.
GreedyIntervalSelection(A) {
A.sort(x => x.f) // by finish, so i < j => A[i].f < A[j].f
B = [A[0]]
for interval in A[1...A.length] {
if interval.start >= B.last.finish {
Let \(A\) be the intervals \([A_1, A_2, ..., A_n]\) such that \(f_1 \le f_2 \le ... \le f_n\).
Let \(B\) be the greedy solution. \(B=[A_{i_1}, A_{i_2}, ..., A_{i_k}]\) where \(i_1 \lt i_2 \lt ... \lt i_k\)
Let \(O\) by any optjmal solutjon \(O = [A_{j_1}, A_{j_2}, ..., A_{j_l}]\) where \(j_1 \lt j_2 \lt ... \lt j_l\)
We want to prove that \(k=l\) and that \(f_{i_1} \le f_{j_1} \land f_{i_2} \le f_{j_2} \land ... \land f_{i_k} \le f_{j_l}\) (note that \(k \le l\)). In this statement, the greedy algorithm "stays ahead" for every step.
Base case: \(f_{i_1} \le f_{j_1}\)
The greedy algorithm begins by choosing the interval with the earliest finishing time possible.
Inductive assumption: \(f_{i_{m-1}} \le f_{j_{m-1}}\)
Inductive step: We want to prove that \(f_{i_m} \le f_{j_m}\)
Assume that \(f_{i_m} \gt f_{j_m}\).
Then, \(s_{j_m} \ge f_{j_{m-1}}\). By the inductive assumption, this must also be \(\ge f_{i_{m-1}}\). \(A_{j_m}\) would be selected by the greedy algorithm instead of \(A_{i_m}\) because it has an earlier finishing time. This is a contradiction, so we have shown that \(f_{i_m} \le f_{j_m}\).
By induction, we have proven \(f_{i_1} \le f_{j_1} \land f_{i_2} \le f_{j_2} \land ... \land f_{i_k} \le f_{j_l}\) and \(k \le l\).
Now, assume \(k \lt l\). We know that for every step, the greedy algorithm is headead of \(O\) from the previous induction. This means the \(k+1\)th element in \(O\) is not in the greedy solution \(B\). Since \(f_{j_k} \gt f_{i_k}\), \(s_{j_{k+1}}\) must also be \(\ge f_{j_k} \ge f_{i_k}\) and would therefore have been included in the greedy solution. This is a contradiction, so \(k=l\).
Claim: There is no interval in the optimal solution \(O\) that lies between two consecutive values in the list of values \(f_{i_0}, f_{i_1}, ..., f_{i_k}\).
Assume that one did exist. Then, its finishing value would have been smaller than the finishing value of the next item in the greedy solution, and the greedy algorithm would have selected it instead. Since it didn't, it must not exist. Therefore, every interval in the optimal solution \(O\) contains a point in the set \(\{f_{i_1}, ..., f_{i_k}\}\). Therefore there must be \(k\) intervals in the optimal solution.
Given another set \(A\) of intervals, a \(c\)-colouring is a mapping \(col: A \rightarrow \{1,...,c\}\) assigns each interval a colour such that two intervals receiving the same colour are always disjoint. Find a \(c\)-colouring of \(A\) that minimizes \(c\).
We will colour the \(i+1\)st interval with any permissible colour. If none exists, we will add a new colour. The question is, what order do we consider the intervals?
Sort by start time of the intervals in increasing order.
Let \(D\) be the number of colours the algorithm uses. Suppose \([s_i, f_i)\) is the first interval to use colour \(D\). That means that at this point, we have \(D\) mutually overlapping intervals containing the point \(s_i\). Therefore we need at least \(D\) colours.
Profits \(P\) and weights \(W\) and a capacity \(M\) exist. An \(n\)-tuple \(X\) exists where \(\sum_{i=1}^n w_i x_i \le M\).
Find a solution \(X\) that maximizes \(\sum_{i=1}^n p_i x_i\).
Assumption: \(\frac{p_1}{w_1} \gt \frac{p_2}{w_2} \gt ... \gt \frac{p_n}{w_n}\)
Let the greedy solution by \(X\). Let the optimal solution be \(Y\). We will prove that \(X=Y\) by contradiction. Assume \(X \ne Y\).
Let \(j\) be the first index such that \(x_j \ne y_j\). We know that \(x_j\) will be greater than \(y_j\) because the greedy algorithm chooses the maximum value for \(x_j\). Pick an index \(k \gt j\) such that \(y_k \gt 0\). \(k\) exists because the greedy solution can't be better than the optimal solution. So, \(x_j \gt y_j\) and \(k_y \gt 0\) (\(k \gt i\)).
Idea: alter \(Y\) to become a new \(Y'\) with a higher profit than \(Y\). Let \(\delta=\min\{w_ky_k, w_j(w_j-y_j)\}\). Note that \(\delta \gt 0\).
Let \(y_k' = y_k - \delta/w_k\), and let \(y_j'=y_j+\delta/w_j\). We now need to show that \(y_j' \ge 1\) and that \(k_k' \ge 0\).
\[y_j' = y_j + \frac{\delta}{w_j} \le y_j + \frac{w_j(x_j-y_j)}{w_j} = x_j \le 1\]
\[y_k' = y_k - \frac{\delta}{w_k} \ge y_k - \frac{w_ky_k}{w_k} = 0\]
\[Weight(Y') = Weight(Y) + \frac{\delta w_j}{w_j} - \frac{\delta w_k}{w_k} = Weight(Y)\]
Profit(Y') &= Profit(Y) + \frac{\delta p_j}{w_j} - \frac{\delta p_k}{w_k}\\
&= Profit(Y) + \delta\left(\frac{p_j}{w_j}-\frac{p_k}{w_k}\right) \\
&\gt Profit(Y)\\
This is a contradiction.
A list of coin denominations \(D\) exists, and a positive target sum \(T\). Find an \(n\)-tuple of non-negative integers sich that \(T=\sum_{i=1}{n} a_i d_i\) such that the number of coins \(n\) is minimized.
Strategy: Sort by size descending. Take as many as you can of the largest, then as many as you can of the next largest, etc, until you reach the target sum. This doesn't work for all coin denominations.
A set of men \(M\) and a set of women \(W\) exist. Each man has a preference ranking for each of the women, and each woman has a ranking for each of the men. Find a matching of the \(n\) men with the \(n\) women such that there does not exist a couple \((m_i, w_i)\) wh are not engaged to each other, but prefer each other to their existing matches. A matching with this property is called a stable matching.
Assume there is an instability, so that \(m_i\) ranks \(w_l \gt w_j\) and \(w_l\) ranks \(m_i \gt m_k\), but \(m_i\) is matched with \(w_j\) and \(m_k\) is matched with \(w_l\).
We know \(m_i\) must have proposed to \(w_l\) before he proposed to \(w_j\) due to the algorithm. What happened in this proposal?